Frequently Asked Questions for Coaches

If I volunteer to work with a client, what is my expected time commitment?

Many clients will be new coaching, and may want to start with a single session to try it out. You’ll set the cadence with your client that works for both of you once you’re introduced. Listen to what they need, do your best, and let that be good enough.

How will I be matched with a client?

An experienced coach will read your LinkedIn &/or website, a potential client’s LinkedIn &/or website, the comments you both made about matching, we’re using all of that data & our intuition to make the best match we can.

How do I get started with my client?

We recommend that in your initial session, you spend a few minutes minutes getting to know each other, and then DIVE RIGHT IN with a real time challenge this client is facing that is important to them. These clients probably to do not have time to fill out a lengthy questionnaire, complete an assessment, or spend the entire first session focused on setting goals together. A great question to start a session with is “What could we work today on that would be most impactful for you?”

How long until I get matched with a client?

You can expect to be matched within a few days. We’re doing this project in addition to our existing day jobs, so please be patient.

How will I effectively work with a client when they are not normally the type of client I work with?

Leadership challenges are not terribly dissimilar across different domains. Use the tools you have, adapt them when you need to, and do your best. There will be areas that you aren’t as familiar with; what a lovely place to stretch and grow! If you’re able to, do a little research on your client’s org so that you have a basic understanding of what they’re up to before you begin. Trust that the tools you use with your other clients are enough.

Is my volunteer work tax-deductible?

We are not lawyers or tax accountants. Our understanding is that one may not legally deduct donations of your time to a 501c(3), and not all of the organizations we work with are nonprofits.

What if I’m matched with a leader in an org with an in-kind contribution limit?

Some organizations that we offer coaching to fall under the jurisdiction of the Federal Election Commission. That means that the usual and normal value of services offered to them free of charge counts against their contribution limit, just like a gift of money would. If you are matched with an organization that has an in-kind contribution limit, you will need to tell them the usual and normal value of your coaching services, work with them to make sure the value of your work does not exceed the limit, and provide them the necessary information so that they can complete any reporting required by their org.

What if I don’t love working with them, or they don’t love working with me?

We believe that most great coaches can be very effective with most clients. Occasionally there’s a mismatch. If you REALLY don’t like the client you’re matched with, or feel like they’re not a good fit for your skills, email us at, and ask for a rematch. We’ll do our best, and we hope you will too.

Can I upsell my client additional services that I offer?

Our offer to clients is that they can work with a coach 1:1 pro bono for the time period of now until November. Please be willing to offer that work completely free of charge if you sign up. If the client asks you to host a multi-day offsite, or coach another 10 people in their organization during that time, you’re welcome to negotiate for whatever fee is reasonable. If your client wants to keep working with you past November, we’ll leave that to the two of you to figure out.

Volunteer Coach Signup